This is a bit too late, and after you have read the previous post by Sheemster you'd probably be wondering how good WAS the concert. Lemme tell you.. it was a-mazing, fan-tastic, awe-some, overwhelming, ex-cellent, co-ol, grrr-eat... well you get the idea.
We began the day (August 22nd) with some sight-seeing around Cardiff. Many are already wearing their U2 t-shirts, Surin and Johan included.
We had our strategy in place - find our entrance, eat, drink, camp outside the gates (to grab the t-shirts on sale) After some food, River & I had this brilliant idea of showing off how far we came for U2 (People were boasting in the papers that they came all the way from somewhere in ulu UK to watch U2 in Wales). So we decided to make a banner. We had 3 hours before the concert starts (well, before the gates opened), so basically camped outside, ignored people and did our art.
It turned out sooo nice, thanks to Dylan, Johan, River, Reuben and I. Jen, Surin & Sheemster should not get credit for this :D
We ran for the merchandise counter as soon as the gates opened. Everyone went crazy. 22 pounds for a t-shirt.. Worth it what?! Someone even bought himself 5 t-shirts and a cap and slept with it.
But when U2 came on, our hunger just amazingly disappeared.
I will try to upload the shorter clips from the concert, taken from my point and shoot camera; now gotta ciao!
Woohoo awesome post Sara, makes me relive it all over again!!!