Saturday, August 15, 2009

Clueless in KL

Ok, this is my first time actually blogging :-P
Feels a bit weird. Anyway, all I know is that some of the U2trippers are already having a party in London/Paris and Geneva while I'm stuck here in KL trying to finish a backlog of work. Plus I cleaned my flat today (even did the ceiling fans!) and ironed two weeks' worth of clothes. So, this U2 thing better be good...


  1. nope i doubt it, sounds like mr suksuwan to me

  2. Yah I doubt it's me too, can you imagine me ironing 2 weeks' worth of clothes???

    Am so jeles oredi. :-P On the plus side, at least I know I won't suffer too much on Air Asia! And that if they let Jen on the flight, they'll probably let me on, too :).

    And thanks for the warning on the cold I am having a girly panic attack over what to pack...

    Don't worry, I'll post something soon!

  3. huh...why wouldnt Jen be allowed on air asia??

  4. I'm talking about the new passport thing lah woman...

  5. Sorry. I did say it was my first time blogging. Don't even know how to sign off properly. Anyway, Happy Belated Birthday, Sara. We won't be bringing you a present from KL cos then you'll have to lug it home and we know how precious your luggage space is after a European shopping spree.

    SS @ thefish
